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Moksha Yoga runs yoga classes in and around Lincoln UK. These classes range from "Slow Flow" hatha classes aimed at all abilities to beginners Vinyasa classes where students get a chance to learn about the alignment, pranayama and meditation techniques. There are also classes on offer for intermediate level Vinyasa Students, with each class featuring a theme to elaborate on the physical practice and hopefully bring  more spiritual and philosophical elements to the lesson for those yogi's seeking that.  I hope you can find a lesson for yourself from the schedule listed. If you have any questions please use the contact form to reach out. 



Hi! My experiences with yoga began at 14 when I did my first sun salutation as part of a surfing warm up before my first surfing lesson in Cornwall. I didn't think much about it then, but I carried on doing this "warm up" routine in the evenings after school when I would listen to music in my bedroom for hours and hours..... During my twenties I worked in music, I played drums in bands and I would work with my body to elaborate on energy and "good vibes" and sometimes, especially in those obnoxious rock bands that I was in would use the loud crunchy sounds to explore the large and unfathomable energies that I found within. In my mid 20s I began to attend a Hatha class; I found the effects that yoga had on my mind truly settling, calming and helped me listen to myself in a way I hadn't experienced before. I was reading a lot of Buddhist texts at the time and everything came together nicely. At this time I became drawn to body work and undertook training to become a holistic massage therapist. From 2013 I worked on maintaining a regular vinyasa yoga practice in my mornings. I turned to yoga routinely using a morning practice to bring myself to the day, which during a very fraught and stressful chapter was never very easy.

I have found yoga to be a moving meditation that I have needed during my life; when flowing with the breath and focusing on the asana practice I am able to come back to myself and the present moment.

From a purely physical approach yoga maintains the range of movement in my joints, aids me in strength development and maintenance and also prevents injury during other physical activities- I still surf often and yoga plays a big part in helping me maintain my surf fitness, along with recovering from injury when it happens.Yoga and yogic philosophy is an entire world of truly inspiring elements. If you wish to start your journey I hope you come to me or one of the many decent teachers in your area to try out yoga and find your own groove with it. I look forward to helping you on your way. 🙏


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