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I do not teach anyone under the age of 18. 

I believe your chakras are still developing at this age, and I cannot tune into the experience of being a very young adult going through the disruption of hormonal changes, nor the unsettled/high flux state of still developing through the chakras. I myself am 39, and in reality most of my classes are developed for people similar to myself- the age ranges that work best with this are those from late 20s to mid/late fifties. There isnt a strict line of course, and for some who have different dispositions and energetic bodies will find my classes very suitable for them. I must be clear none of this has anything to do with physical attributes- I'm not talking about "fitness" here, I'm talking about energy which in a typical Western sense is described as our emotional and mental dispositions/states. In yoga these are our Gunas, the energies which rule living beings, these also relate to other aspects of our bodies, and it is here where things in younger bodies are more often than not in a higher state of flux.

 We all find a teacher that "clicks" with us at different times in our lives. Each teacher is very different. I have found that when teaching younger people their physical, emotional and mental energies are very different to my own, I have perceived that my flow and asana choices within a class, along with the philosophies I tie into them, do not generally suit or "click" with people who are in this younger state either mentally or emotionally. That being said there are students in their 20s who really click with these classes. However as a rule I haven't trained to teach under 18 year olds, and I am currently not a suitable teacher for this age range.

No this is not offered at my classes, there are other teachers that run family yoga classes.

No this is not appropriate. You will miss out on "settling in", and late arrivals disturb other students in the class and also myself when I am trying very hard to soothe and bring peoples nervous systems into a calmer state ready for yoga. There are many studios who lock doors prior to class starting. I practice this at Bailgate Yoga Club so please respect the start times, yourself and others by arriving prepared and ready for yoga. Repeated late arrivals will receive a warning, and unfortunately if it is not addressed I will ask a student to no longer attend the class. 

No this is not appropriate. Classes are a holiday from the phone. I implore you to use airplane mode and put your phone out of sight when in class. If you have something on your phone to remind you to take medication then this is understandable and permitted, but otherwise put the phone with your other belongings. 

No this is not appropriate. Take in the whole class and experience the whole process. 

Tickets are non-transferrable. If you cannot attend please message beforehand. 

No, this is not appropriate for the noise and subsequent distraction that sneezing and coughing brings to yourself and others, and also the viral contamination to others is neglectful of your role within a group of students which is to be considerate to others and practice positive karma.  What we create together is more important than the individual fulfilment of the "self", can you agree? 

Secondly, in not listening to the body you are not taking care of yourself by pushing a poorly body to perform when it is best to rest. We all struggle with this, and we all must find a balance when unwell. Meditation at home is always possible. You can expect the same behaviour from me- I will not teach a class if I know I have a virus of any kind. 

 Mostly because boundaries and rules create safety and an atmosphere conducive for learning and relaxation. Within these rules classes run best. Well run classes mean students get the value they are looking for, the teachings they require and the relaxation they will benefit from to live healthier and happier lives, which is my wish, and therefor my agenda for you as a teacher. 

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