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The Tuesday Stretch

A Vinyasa yoga class which encourages students to stretch to release, and progress with their practice. This 6-7pm class is suitable for all levels but is especially useful for beginners and refreshers. A 1 hour gentle Vinyasa class builds on the basics and gives new learners a chance to get familiar with key postures whilst learning alignment safely. An introduction to pranayama is also a part of these classes, along with guided relaxation at the end. Mats are provided for those without their own. This class has a maximum size of 12 students. 

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Located in Bailgate Methodist meeting rooms, this uphill location features free street parking next to the venue and is easily accessible for people living in and around uphill including the villages to the  North and East of the City.

The main aim of these classes is to bring to each participant that connection between mind and body- to get us out of our busy minds and into our physical bodies. We do this throughout the whole hour, the practice is grounding, and many find the class soothing and relaxing. On a purely physical level, (and like most yoga classes) this class aims to increase the flexibility and suppleness in joints and soft tissue, improve breathing, relieve physical and mental tension, increase strength in muscles and our overall body structure and improve balance & coordination. Some classes do also introduce Yogic Philosophy to the group, giving students a chance to learn something new and perhaps develop and interest in the philosophy behind the physical practice. 

The class is fully guided with most of the postures being demonstrated at the front by the teacher. Adjustments can be given (with you permission) to show you how to get the correct alignment for your body. 

Due to the limited size of the class booking well in advance is essential.  Regular attendance results in discounts; come to 5 classes and the 6th class is free. 

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