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Here are a few Yoga related links that I find useful, inspiring or I have some connection to. Perhaps some of these pages will be useful to you. 

Teacher Lesley Fightmaster

I have followed Lesley Fightmaster since 2013, I think she was a truly gentle teacher who developed a loyal and decent following online who trusted her lessons. She had trained in Ashtanga mostly, but her lessons online were largely Vinyasa classes. Her "90 Day Yoga Fix" was one of the first such long (and cost free) services to the yoga community where she uploaded daily videos for students to follow for 90 days. I took part in 2015 and loved every second of it. I thoroughly recommend her as a very decent online teacher who offers excellent verbal guidance. 

Teacher Tanya Savitri Popovich

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I finally undertook my certification to become a yoga teacher with teacher Tanya Popovich in Crete. 

I was very lucky to come across Tanya- I found her to be a real, genuine and talented yoga teacher. There is a risk sometimes when we go and learn from others that we may not get quite what we are looking for, however I got exactly what I needed and exactly what I wanted from my training with Shri Gaia. Many is an incredibly experienced yogi, and her philosophy classes were deeply well informed, her travels and experience offer a wealth of knowledge to her students. 


Central wellness is a peaceful spacious space and the only specifically Yoga Studio in Lincoln. There are a variety of teachers working in the studio offering different styles and disciplines of teaching, from Ashtang ago Yin, to Pregnancy and post natal Yoga, along with the classes I do here on Hatha and Vinyasa, there is also the opportunity to attend workshops and day retreats. Central wellness is run by people who have holistic health and wellbeing at the heart of their business model, it is a non-for profit community company, and so rest assured you are amongst decent teachers and practitioners. 

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